Todas las categorías
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Todas las categorías
  • Todas las categorías
  • Recursos
  • Autoras
  • Píldoras
  • Formadoras

Early Finishers

Autora: Vanishing Point
Idioma: Anglés
Número de páginas: 5
Tipo de archivo:
Tipo de recurso: Actividades

"I am done! Now what sould I do?" These are some very famous words spoken by our students year after year. It is time to put an end to that. Create one I am done jar in your classroom so that students can reference it once they have finished their assigments.

This document includes 24 activity cards for the students to choose from. These are activities for keeping students engaged in meaningful class-related work, specially whe n other students are still working.

To see more pictures and how I use the I am done jar, check out this blog post

*All images included in this documet are property of Flaticon.

1 Reseñas para Early Finishers

Ascensión Morales García

  • Hace 4 anys abans
Mil gracias, bonito y útil material para los chicos. Un saludo


Vanishing Point

23 seguidores

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