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Todas las categorías
  • Todas las categorías
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  • Píldoras
  • Formadoras
Número de páginas: 25
Tipo de archivo: PDF
Tipo de recurso: Imprimibles
5.00 €

Amazing Science Fair Notebook, ready to print, use and give it to our students! It can be used as a Team Notebook or given individually (which is what I personally do).

I print the cover in white cardboard and then the rest in ordinary paper. Then, I add another white cardboard at the end and I use paper binders.

The notebook includes:

- A cover

- Science Fair board

- Customizable Science Fair Calendar (to mark the steps in the calendar)

- A Science Fair project planner, step by step! to help guide our students.

- The Scientific Method in different pages:

  • Questions
  • Hypothesis
  • Research
  • Experiment
  • Observe and record
  • Build
  • Analyze
  • Share results

- Several pages for draft paper

- A page that is says: this will be used after the science fair, in case you would like to add anything else of your own, such as theory or exercises.

This notebook has been used three times with students, meaning it is student-proof. It works really well!

I hope you enjoy it!

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