Todas las categorías
  • Todas las categorías
  • Recursos
  • Autoras
  • Píldoras
  • Formadoras
Todas las categorías
  • Todas las categorías
  • Recursos
  • Autoras
  • Píldoras
  • Formadoras
Número de páginas: 31
Tipo de archivo: PDF
Tipo de recurso: Imprimibles
2.50 €
  • This set includes small cards and flashcards for body parts.
  • It focuses on developing reading/writing skills.
  • It is suitable for LEARNING STATIONS.
  • This set comes with instructions on how to print and how to use the flashcards.
  • Compatible with text books such as All about us NOW! EFL Book by Oxford.

If you are trying to incorporate Learning Stations during your lessons, you cannot miss this pack! It's very easy to prep (just print and laminate) and you are ready to go! I have used this for 2 years and my students LOVED IT! The good thing is you can always change the games you are using to keep things going for as long as you want! The games are endless!!

I also give you a few ideas on how to use this pack, but feel free to add any of your own. It's really adaptable to any situation.

If you have any questions regarding this, leave them in the comments or send me a DM on my Instagram! Don't forget to follow me there too!

If you liked this resource, don't forget to leave a review! It will help me tons!


Teacher de Anglés



Teacher de Anglés

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