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Todas las categorías
  • Todas las categorías
  • Recursos
  • Autoras
  • Píldoras
  • Formadoras
Etiquetas: games   | oral skills
Número de páginas: 5
Tipo de archivo:
Tipo de recurso: Actividades


Here you can find the game CONVERSATION DECK, perfect for working on oral skills. You will need a Poker deck of cards for playing it.


Place the template and a deck of cards on the table. Take a card look for the corresponding questions and answer it.

If you have any questions or have spotted any mistakes, please, email me!

Spread the joy and follow me on Instagram: @colourmeconfetti

Make sure to tag me in any pictures if you use this product! It will mean the world to me!

~Colour me Confetti

2 Reseñas para Conversation Deck - Game

irene avalos tomas

  • Hace 4 años antes

Anna Cami Ferrer

  • Hace 4 años antes
Fantástico recurso! Deseando poder utilizarlo en clase! Thanks a lot!


Colour me Confetti

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